Tag appropriate-technology

8 bookmarks have this tag.

Low-tech Magazine 2007-2021: The Compressed Edition


Low-tech Magazine underscores the potential of past and often forgotten technologies and how they can inform sustainable energy practices. Sometimes, past technologies can be copied without any changes. More often, interesting possibilities arise when older technology is combined with new knowledge and new materials, or when past concepts and traditional knowledge are applied to modern technology. Inspiration is also to be found in the so-called “developing” world, where resource constraints often lead to inventive, low-tech solutions.

Inspired by the image compression on its solar-powered website, Low-tech Magazine squeezed the article catalog of its three-volume book series into just one book. Compressing the content — an editorial and design choice — produces a larger reduction in resource use than printing on recycled paper could ever do. For this book, Low-tech Magazine switched to a smaller font size, downsized most images, and opted for a two-column layout. Some articles, especially older ones, were rewritten resulting not only in fewer pages but also in better articles.

Contains more than 700 images in black and white.


Decker by Internet Janitor


A multimedia sketchbook


Portable EPUBs


A proposal for the next generation of portable documents.


Lieu — webring search engine


Lieu is a neighbourhood search engine, a way for personal webrings to increase serendipitous connexions.


An Approach to Computing and Sustainability Inspired From Permaculture


Devine's Strange Loop talk from this year, transcribed.


Build tools around workflows, not workflows around tools


When we resort to having other people build tools for us, the tools they build might never quite perfectly fit our workflows, because they’re not built for our individual minds.

I love both the message and the tools. They're consistently and minimalistically designed, tailored for purpose, and have a strong philosophy behind them.


Dependencies Belong in Version Control


An argument for checking everything into version control — source, toolchains, dependencies, etc. This is sympathetic to "Cold Blooded Software".


Cold-blooded software
